Bullying, harassment and sexual harm
Protection from harmful behaviour in person or online
What this chapter covers
- Overview
- Getting protection under the Harassment Act
Getting a Restraining Order from the District Court, including the kinds of behaviour that can be “harassment,” how Restraining Orders will help, how to apply for a Restraining Order and what happens if the other person breaches the Restraining Order - Going to the police: When the criminal law can help with harassment
When serious harassment or bullying becomes a crime, including “criminal harassment” and causing harm through “digital communications” (Harmful Digital Communications Act); and other crimes like encouraging suicide - Cyberbullying: Protections against online/digital harassment
Rules in the Harmful Digital Communications Act, including the complaints agency, how to go to the District Court to get an order for online/digital harassment, and the guidelines the Act has established for online/digital behaviour - Sexual Harm
Explanations of different sexual offences, consent, what to do if you’ve experienced sexual harm (in person or online), and what happens if you report a sexual offence to the police - Where to go for more support
Other information and resources