Māori members from across our 24 centres come together to form the Māori Caucus of Community Law Centres o Aotearoa, Ngā Kaiāwhina Māori Hapori o te Ture. The Māori Caucus works to ensure that CLCs:
Our Ngāi Tahu Māori Law Centre specialises in Māori land for all Ngai Tahu members and any Māori with Māori land issues who lives in the South Island. Some of our centres have Kaupapa Māori teams, with Māori lawyers and support workers, who can provide legal help within a tikanga Māori framework.
If you would like to contact the Māori Caucus, or to speak with someone about strengthening partnerships between Community Law Centres and iwi throughout Aotearoa, please contact:
Marree Kereru and Stacey O’Neill
Email: maori.caucus@clca.co.nz
The purpose of this hui is to strengthen and enhance Community Law’s ability to meet the high unmet legal needs of Māori within our respective communities, to look at how Community Law can better support its kaimahi Māori, and to expand kaupapa Māori legal services throughout the country.
Our Local centres - (Overview)
Specialist centres