Headlines made on a “long and hard fought for” case

Today is a day to celebrate decisions from the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) on a long-running case that has delivered seven positive results.

The Post / Stuff story on this is available to read in full here. It quotes two roia who support the mahi of Community Law Wellington Hutt Valley:

Dhilum Nightingale, a barrister working with Community Law and representing the group, said justice had been long and hard fought for.

While the claims were not about wage and leave arrears or recovery of a premium (fees charged for the job) because it was being handled separately by the Labour Inspectorate, it sent a clear message to other employers in Wellington, Nightingale said.

“Just because someone is on a work visa and does not speak English fluently, does not give anyone any justification to deny them their basic human rights.”

Jordan Rennie of Community Law, also representing the group, said the challenge remained to make sure the women received the full amount of compensation they were awarded.

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