Partitions (subdivisions) and other title improvements Overview Te Ture Whenua Māori Act provides several ways by which the Māori Land Court can rationalise particular landholdings and provide new or better access to Māori land, in order to facilitate the use and occupation…

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Partitions (subdivisions) and other title improvements Partitioning (subdividing) Māori land Can I cut my shares out of a block of Māori land? Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, s 289 Yes. One or more owners of Māori land can separate their shares…

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Partitions (subdivisions) and other title improvements Combining separate landholdings: Amalgamation and aggregation orders An amalgamation or aggregation order can be made for Māori freehold land, Māori customary land or General land owned by Māori (see: “Status of Māori land”). Amalgamation: Creating a…

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Rates and Māori land Do rates have to be paid on Māori land? Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, s 91 Rates must be paid on all Māori land, and all General land owned by Māori, unless the land comes under one of…

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Takutai moana: Customary rights in the marine and coastal area (foreshore and seabed) Overview Te Takutai Moana Act 2011 has provided ways for Māori to get legal recognition of their customary rights in te takutai moana (the marine and coastal area), either…

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Takutai moana: Customary rights in the marine and coastal area (foreshore and seabed) Access by the New Zealand public to te takutai moana Rights of Māori and non-Māori to access and use the common marine and coastal area Te Takutai Moana Act…

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Takutai moana: Customary rights in the marine and coastal area (foreshore and seabed) Customary rights that can be recognised What kinds of customary rights can be recognised under Te Takutai Moana Act? Te Takutai Moana Act 2011, s 9(1) Te Takutai Moana…

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Takutai moana: Customary rights in the marine and coastal area (foreshore and seabed) Pathways for recognition of customary rights in te takutai moana Recognition through negotiation or court orders Te Takutai Moana Act 2011, Part 4 Te Takutai Moana Act 2011, ss…

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Legal personality for maunga, awa and other natural features of the land Laws have been passed in New Zealand to give a separate legal personality (identity) to several natural features (regions, rivers and mountains) that are important for Māori. This means that…

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Where to go for more support Community Law Your local Community Law Centre can provide you with free initial legal advice. Find your local Community Law Centre online: Māori Land Court See the Māori Land Court website for application forms and…

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