Activism Organising a protest: Some rules you might need to comply with Protesting in public places and the streets WCC Public Places Bylaw 2022, Part C, clause 18 Whether you need permission for your protest and who you need to ask depends…
Activism Organising a protest: Some rules you might need to comply with Protesting in public places and the streets WCC Public Places Bylaw 2022, Part C, clause 18 Whether you need permission for your protest and who you need to ask depends…
Activism Protests and the general criminal law Behaviour and language Disorderly behaviour Summary Offences Act 1981, s s 3, 4(1)(a) Case: Morse v Police [2011] NZSC 45 Protestors are sometimes charged with behaving in an offensive or disorderly manner in a public place.…
Activism Resisting arrest or obstructing the police Resisting arrest Summary Offences Act 1981, s 23 It’s a criminal offence to obstruct a police officer or encourage another person to obstruct or resist a police officer. For this you can be jailed for up…
Activism Protests and the general criminal law Taking videos and photos Can I video or take photos of the police in public? New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 14 Summary Offences Act 1981, s 23 Generally, you are free to video or…
Activism Different types of protests Occupations and sit-ins Occupations can be of public spaces like squares and parks (like the Occupy movement), public roads or footpaths, or private spaces. To occupy a privately owned space you’ll usually need the owner’s permission, otherwise…
Activism Types of protests Posters, banners and graffiti Posters and banners Summary Offences Act 1981, s 33 It’s illegal to put up posters, banners, or placards on someone else’s property without their permission. This offence is called “billsticking”. The maximum penalty is a…
Activism Different types of protests Flag burning Burning the New Zealand flag When activists in Aotearoa have burned the New Zealand flag, the police have tried to get convictions using two different laws. They are both minor offences only, and the penalty…
Activism Different types of protests Protests at sea Protesting at sea against mining and drilling Crown Minerals Act 1991, s 101B There are special laws around protesting mining or drilling operations in offshore areas. It’s a criminal offence if you intentionally do things…
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