Discipline and rules Punishments School punishments that are legal The following punishments are legal: written work detentions extra work around school time-out, or being sent out of class taking away privileges behaviour management programmes being told off “reprimanded” daily reports behavioural contracts.…

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Discipline and rules Your rights in the disciplinary process: Natural justice What is natural justice? New Zealand Bill of Rights 1990, s 27; Education and Training Act 2020, s 78 Natural justice means you have to be treated fairly, and decisions affecting…

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Discipline and rules Restorative justice What is restorative justice in school? Restorative justice, or restorative practice, is a way of thinking about and responding to harm. It’s not about punishment but about repairing harm and healing relationships. It involves a different way…

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Discipline and rules Your rights during police questioning What rights do I have when being questioned by the police? New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 23.  Anyone being questioned by the police has the right to: remain silent a lawyer…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions What this chapter covers Stand-downs What you can be stood down for, and happens next Suspensions Suspension meetings and the school board’s decision Exclusions and expulsions The differences between exclusion and expulsion, and what happens after Challenging…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions Stand-downs What is a stand-down? Education and Training Act 2020, ss 80 A stand-down is when you’re removed from school by the principal for a short amount of time. Only the principal or acting dean can stand…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions Suspensions What is a suspension? A suspension is when you’re removed from school for a week or more following a formal process. This is done by the principal, and then the school board meets to decide what…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions Exclusions and expulsions Being excluded and expelled are different. In both situations you’re permanently removed from your school. “Excluded” is the term used if you’re under 16 and “expelled” is used if you’re 16 or older. Exclusion…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions Challenging a suspension, exclusion or expulsion What can I do if my suspension or exclusion or expulsion was unfair? If you don’t accept that your suspension or exclusion/expulsion was reasonable, you have a number of options: Ask…

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Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions Illegal suspensions (“kiwi suspensions”) Schools sometimes use illegal ways of removing a students from school (sometimes called “Kiwi suspensions”). You can only be sent home from school if you’re stood down or suspended for one of the…

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