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Prisoner's Rights


Advocates (people who can visit you or help you while you are in prison)


Kaiwhakamana are kaumātua, kuia, tōhunga and others community leaders who have access to prisons to help provide for the well-being of Māori in prison, and provide mentoring, advice and pastoral care (emotional and spiritual support). Kaiwhakamana can help you connect with your iwi, hapū, whānau and Mori culture among other things.

To contact a Kaiwhakamana, tell your case manager or PCO that you would like to see them.

Kaiwhakamana may visit a prison at any time agreed by the prison director for any of the following purposes;

  • to advise prisoners and whānau about whakapapa and tikanga
  • to assist prisoners to establish contacts with iwi / hapū / whānau
  • to provide prisoners with news and information about iwi / hapū / whānau
  • to advise and assist prisoners with iwi / hapū / whānau, relationship, and business issues
  • to assist prisoners with personal and family matters
  • to provide spiritual / religious support and guidance for prisoners
  • to assist prisoners with reintegrative arrangements through their iwi / hapū / whānau
  • to provide suggestions and advice to the Minister and Department of Corrections staff on the provision of services to Māori.

Fautua Pasefika

Fautua Pasefika are Pacific community leaders who have access to prisons to help provide for the well-being of Pacific prisoners, and provide mentoring, advice and pastoral care (emotional and spiritual support). Fautua Pasefika are people of Pacific descent who have been promoted by their communities as cultural advocates.

To contact a Fautua Pasefika, tell your case manager or PCO that you would like to see them.

Other help available while you are in prison or throughout your reintegration

There are many organisations that can give you or your family practical help to support you while you’re in prison as well upon your release from prison and reintegration back into life outside of prison.

For example, support for things like:

  • addressing debt and money management issues
  • transporting or assisting children to visit their parent in prison
  • liaising with police, prison, landlords and family to locate property
  • supporting and encouraging families left to cope in the community
  • transport on release
  • securing and maintaining settled accommodation
  • obtaining ID, sorting finances and opening bank accounts
  • liaising with government departments (for example Work and Income, Housing New Zealand, Department of Corrections)
  • improving connections to support networks.

Ask your case manager, PCO or your local Community Law Centre which organisations in your area can help with your specific needs.

There are 24 Community Law Centres throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Many of these centres offer free legal help at their nearest prison. This free legal help might be face-to-face (that is, a Community Law lawyer or advocate may visit your prison at regular times or at your request). They might be able to give free legal help over the phone. Or your local centre may be able to support your whānau by giving them advice about your particular legal needs.

If you have a legal problem – something related to your stay in prison, or something unrelated, for example, a family law or housing or debt problem – ask your PCO how to make contact with your local Community Law Centre.

Contact details and more free legal information can also be found at the Community Law website: www.communitylaw.org.nz

Here’s a list of all the prisons in New Zealand and their closest Community Law Centre:

Women’s Prisons and the nearest Community Law Centres

Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility Community Law South Auckland
120 Bairds Rd
Auckland 2159
Phone: (09) 274 4966
Email: admin@clsstlaw.com
Arohata Prison: Porirua Community Law Centre 14 Hartham Place North
Porirua City 5022
Phone: (04) 237 6811
Email: info@pkclc.com
Christchurch Women’s Prison Community Law Canterbury
198 Montreal Street
PO Box 2912
Christchurch 8011
Toll free phone: 0508 CANLAW (0508 226 529)
Phone: (03) 366 6870
Email: admin@canlaw.org.nz
Website: www.canlaw.org.nz


Men’s Prisons and Community Law Centres

Northland Region Corrections Facility Taitokerau Community Law
155 Kamo Road
Whangarei 0112
(behind the St Johns Church Market)
Toll free phone: 0800 155 LAW (155 529)
Phone: (09) 437 7535
Email: reception@155andtaitokeraulaw.org.nz
Arohata Prison Porirua Community Law Centre
14 Hartham Place North
Porirua City 5022
Phone: (04) 237 6811
Email: info@pkclc.com
Auckland Prison Waitemata Community Law Service
1A Trading Place
Waitakere City 0650
Phone: (09) 835 2130
Email: info@waitakerelaw.org.nz
Website: waitakerelaw.org.nz
Mt Eden Corrections Facility Phone: (09) 378 6085
Email: info@aclc.org.nz
Website: www.aclc.org.nz
Spring Hill Corrections Facility Community Law Waikato
2nd floor, 109 Anglesea St
Hamilton 3240
Toll free phone: 0800 529482
Email: reception@clwaikato.org.nz
Waikeria Prison Community Law Waikato
2nd floor, 109 Anglesea St
Hamilton 3240
Toll free phone: 0800 529482
Email: reception@clwaikato.org.nz
Tongariro/Rangipo Prison Community Legal Advice Whanganui
Level 1, PES Building
76 Guyton Street
Phone: (06) 348 8288
Email: claw@claw.co.nz
Whanganui Prison Community Legal Advice Whanganui
Postal address:
PO Box 351
Whanganui 4540
Physical address:
236 Victoria Avenue
Phone: (06) 348 8288
Email: claw@claw.co.nz
Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison (Mangaroa Prison) Hawkes Bay Community Law Centre
Tower Building
215 Railway Road
Hastings 4516
Phone: (06) 878 4868
Email: hblaw@hblaw.org.nz
Website: www.hblaw.org.nz
Manawatu Prison Manawatu Community Law Centre
193 Broadway Avenue
Palmerston North 4410
Toll free phone: 0508 FOR LAW (0508 367 529)
Phone: (06) 356 7974
Email: reception@mancomlaw.org.nz
Rimutaka Prison Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley
Level 2, 59 Queens Drive
Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 499 2928
Email: info@wclc.org.nz
Website: www.wclc.org.nz
Christchurch Men’s Prison Community Law Canterbury
198 Montreal Street
PO Box 2912
Christchurch 8011
Toll free phone: 0508 CANLAW (0508 226 529)
Phone: (03) 366 6870
Email: admin@canlaw.org.nz
Website: www.canlaw.org.nz
Rolleston Prison Community Law Canterbury
198 Montreal Street
PO Box 2912
Christchurch 8011
Toll free phone: 0508 CANLAW (0508 226 529)
Phone: (03) 366 6870
Email: admin@canlaw.org.nz
Website: www.canlaw.org.nz
Otago Corrections Facility Community Law Otago
Postal address:
PO Box 138
Dunedin 9016
Phone: (03) 474 1922 or 0800 169 333
Email: reception@dclc.org.nz
Website: www.dclc.org.nz
Invercargill Prison Physical address:
Level 2, Cue/State Insurance Building
33 Don Street
Phone: (03) 214 3180 or 0800 55 0800
Email: enq@comlawsth.co.nz

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Where to go for more support

Community Law


Your local Community Law Centre can provide initial free legal advice and information.

Also available as a book

Lag Law: Prisoner's Rights

Lag Law answers heaps of common questions you might have if you’re going to prison, you’re in prison, or you’re getting out of prison. It talks about your rights in prison, and sets out the laws and rules that affect you when you’re put in prison . 1 free copy for people in prison and the whānau of someone in prison. If that’s you, email laglaw@wclc.org.nz for your free copy

Buy Lag Law: Prisoner's Rights

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