Health, safety, and wellbeing Bullying in schools What is bullying? Bullying is behaviour that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. It covers a range of harmful physical and verbal actions which is repeated – or has the potential to be repeated over…

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Health, safety, and wellbeing Mental health and counselling The school has a responsibility to make sure you can access support, guidance, and counselling. This is called “pastoral care”. Your right to “good guidance and counselling” at school Education and Training Act 2020,…

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Health, safety, and wellbeing Sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour Overview This section has information about: the legal definition of sexual harassment what the school should teach about sexual violence what happens if someone has shared inappropriate or nude images without your consent…

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Health, safety, and wellbeing Discrimination in schools What is discrimination? Human Rights Act 1993 Discrimination is when you are treaty unfairly because of your gender, race, religion, ethnicity or disability. The Human Rights Act (the Act) makes certain types discrimination illegal. Discrimination…

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Health, safety, and wellbeing Rainbow rights Your right to enrol and attend school regardless of gender and identity Education and Training Act 2020, s 191; Human Rights Act 1993, s 21(a) Schools cannot refuse to enrol you because of your gender identity.…

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Discipline and rules What this chapter covers School rules How rules are made and when they apply Uniforms and appearance Smoking and vaping Smoking and vaping regulations in schools Searching students and confiscating items When teachers can and can’t search you for…

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Discipline and rules School rules Who makes school rules? Education and Training Act 2020, ss 126, 131 School rules are made by the board to help control and manage the school. They are bylaws. Before making new rules, the board must consult…

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Discipline and rules Uniforms and appearance If my school has a uniform, do I have to wear it? Education and Training Act 2020, s 126; New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 14 Most New Zealand secondary schools and some primary…

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Discipline and rules Smoking and vaping It’s against the law in New Zealand for people under the age of 18 to buy cigarettes and vaping products. There are specific rules about smoking and vaping at school – the rules about vaping are…

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Discipline and rules Searching students and confiscating items In limited situations, teachers and authorised staff members can: get you to hand over an item and confiscate it search your clothing, bags and other containers (like a lunchbox or pencil case) Teachers must…

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