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Areas of life where discrimination is illegal

Government bodies, public services, and schools

Are the government and public bodies allowed to discriminate?

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 19 Human Rights Act 1993, ss 20J, 21A

Generally, no. The Bill of Rights Act is the main law preventing the government and public bodies (like state-owned enterprises, district health boards and schools) from discriminating against you when you’re dealing with them. The government and public bodies are also not allowed to discriminate against you on any of the illegal grounds specified in the Human Rights Act 1993 (see: “The illegal grounds of discrimination”).

The rules against discrimination in the Bill of Rights Act apply to public bodies in all their activities and conduct. This is different from the rules against discrimination by private bodies and individuals under the Human Rights Act 1993, which apply only in particular areas of life, such as employment, education, and access to goods and services.

Exceptions for government and other public bodies

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, s 19(2) Human Rights Act 1993, ss 20L, 66, 73

The Bill of Rights Act contains the following exceptions, which allow the government and public bodies to discriminate on the illegal grounds in certain cases, or to otherwise act in discriminatory ways:

  • Reasonable and justifiable discrimination – The government and other public bodies can discriminate if the particular policy or practice that discriminates is reasonable and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. However, that exception doesn’t apply to:
    • discrimination in employment
    • sexual harassment, racial harassment and inciting racial disharmony
    • victimising a person for exercising their rights under the Human Rights Act 1993 or under the Protected Disclosures Act 2000 (which protects whistle-blowers).

In these areas, both the government and private organisations, companies, and individuals aren’t allowed to discriminate against you.

  • Affirmative action – The government and other public bodies can discriminate if the particular policy or practice is done in good faith to assist a group that has been disadvantaged by discrimination.

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Where to go for more support

Community Law

Your local Community Law Centre can provide you with free initial legal advice.

Find your local Community Law Centre online: www.communitylaw.org.nz/our-law-centres

Te Kāhui Tika Tangata/Human Rights Commission

The Human Rights Commission website provides information about human rights in Aotearoa and outlines how you can make a complaint to the Commission.

Website: www.tikatangata.org.nz or www.hrc.co.nz
Email: infoline@hrc.co.nz
Phone:  0800 496 877 (0800 4 YOUR RIGHTS)

To make a complaint online, download a complaint form or find out more about the complaints process: www.tikatangata.org.nz/resources-and-support/make-a-complaint

Human Rights Review Tribunal

This website provides information about the tribunal and the hearing process and contains the relevant application forms.

Website: www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/human-rights

Make a claim to the Human Rights Review Tribunal: www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/human-rights/make-a-claim

Office of Human Rights Proceedings

The Office of Human Rights Proceedings can provide free legal representation to people wanting to bring unlawful discrimination proceedings in the Human Rights Review Tribunal.

Website: www.tikatangata.org.nz/about-us/office-of-human-rights-proceedings
Email: ohrp@ohrp.org.nz
Phone: 09 375 8623

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