

Your safety is important. Below is some basic information about how you can keep yourself safe.

See the “Family Violence and Elder Abuse” chapter in the Community Law Manual for more detailed information about family violence and legal protections.

What if I am in a violent situation?

Family Violence Act 2018, s 26

If you are in immediate danger call the police on 111 and report family violence. The police can issue a temporary police safety order. This is for immediate, short-term protection.

If you have experienced family violence or someone has been violent toward you, you should contact any of the following free support services:

  • Women’s Refuge 0800 733 843
  • Shine 0508 744 633

You can also contact your nearest Community Law Centre for legal help.

When can I leave a violent relationship?

You can leave or end a relationship whenever you want to. A relationship ends whenever you decide you don’t want to be in it anymore.

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Pregnancy Rights

Where to go for more support

Community Law

Your local Community Law Centre can provide initial free legal advice and information.

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