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Parent titles for gender-diverse parents

What is a parent title?

A “parent title” is the legally recognised description for the parents of the baby (like “mother,” “father” or “parent”). The parent title is recorded on a child’s birth certificate.

Can I choose a different gender marker to the one listed on my birth certificate?

No, current law requires the parent title to reflect the parent’s gender marker as recorded on their birth certificate.

For example, if your gender marker is recorded as male, you can be recorded as the “father” or “parent” on your child’s birth certificate.

How do I change my gender marker?

You can go to the Family Court to change the sex / gender marker on your birth certificate if you meet certain criteria. The child’s birth registration may be delayed until after the Court has considered the application. For more information see the “Gender and sexuality” chapter in the Community Law Manual.

Note: A Parliamentary Select Committee recommended changes to the process of changing gender markers in 2018, which may mean the law will change to make things easier in the future.

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