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Dealing with Work and Income

How to apply for a benefit

Some general requirements for benefits

Does it matter how much I earn, or how much I have saved?

Most of the main benefits will be impacted by how much you earn (“income-tested”).

If your income is more than a certain amount, your benefit can be reduced accordingly (see: “How earning money will affect your benefit (‘Abatement’)“).

Most of the main benefits are not impacted by your assets (they are not “asset-tested”). This means you won’t be refused a benefit or have your benefit reduced because of how much savings or other property you have. Although, if you are earning interest on these assets, this will be counted as income.

All hardship assistance payments, and some of the extra help, are both income and asset tested.

No income or asset test Income tested only Income and asset tested
New Zealand Superannuation

Orphans Benefit

Unsupported Childs Benefit

Child Disability Allowance

Sole Parent Support

Jobseeker Support

Supported Living Payment

Childcare assistance

Disability Allowance

Youth Payment

Youth Parent Payment

Emergency Benefit

Accommodation Supplement

Temporary Additional Support

Hardship payments

What counts as income?

Social Security Act 2018, Schedule 3, Part 2 of Schedule 3

Income is generally defined as any money you receive that is not a one-off capital payment (e.g., a gift, a donation, a sale of an asset, an inheritance).

More specific guidelines about what counts as income can be found on www.workandincome.govt.nz if you search “Income/payments”. They also list the types of income you need to declare with Work and Income depending on the type of benefit you are getting.

What counts as an asset?

The asset test is based on “cash assets”. This means money in the bank or other assets that can easily be converted into cash.

The house that you live in is not considered an asset, even if you own it. However, it may include a house or flat that you own but are not using as your home (because that property could be sold and converted to cash).


Does it matter if I have kids?

Many of the benefits and support available will vary depending on if you have kids and how old they are. Work and Income might also impose social obligations and work obligations (which can vary depending on the age of your youngest child).

What are “social obligations”?

Social Security Act 2018, ss 6, 106, 128–135, 137, 169, 243, 255, 267, 430, Sched 2

If you are a parent and you’re getting a benefit, you’ll have to comply with a range of obligations (“social obligations”). You’ll have to:

  • make sure that from age three your children are enrolled at and regularly attending pre-school (if one is available) or school, and
  • make sure that your children are registered with a medical centre or primary health organisation and that, up to age five, they’re up to date with core checks under the WellChild programme, and
  • attend interviews with Work and Income or an organisation acting on Work and Income’s behalf.

If you don’t meet these obligations, Work and Income may ask to set up regular meetings to discuss recomplying with your social obligations. They must be satisfied that you are taking all reasonable steps to meet your social obligations, even if you can’t currently meet them.

If you don’t respond or attend these meetings with Work and Income, your benefit can be reduced (see: “Trouble with Work and Income: Penalties, investigations and overpayments”).


What are “work obligations”?

In order to get a main benefit, Work and Income will ask you (and your partner) to do certain things to meet your ‘work obligations’. If you don’t meet your obligations, and you don’t have a good and sufficient reason, your payments could reduce or stop.

Depending on your situation, you will need to meet obligations, called “work test obligations” or “work preparation obligations”.

Work test obligations

Social Security Act 2018, ss 140 -146

If you have work-test obligations, you must:

  • be available for and looking for work, either:
  • 30 hours or more if you have full time work obligations
  • 15 hours or more if you have part time work obligations
  • be available for courses and other activities that are intended to improve your ability to find employment, and
  • be applying for suitable jobs and going to job interviews, and
  • accept any suitable job offers, including temporary, seasonal, or subsidised work.

If you can’t meet the work-test (for example, if you can’t attend a course, or turn down a job offer, or refuse to apply for a particular job) you need to be able to show a “good and sufficient” reason why you couldn’t comply.

You’ll likely have to provide proof. For example, if you can’t attend a course because you were unwell, you’ll likely have to provide a medical certificate.

If you don’t have a good and sufficient reason, your application for a benefit might be declined, or if you are getting a benefit, it might be reduced or stopped (see: “Trouble with Work and Income: Penalties, investigations and overpayments”).

Work preparation obligations

Social Security Act 2018, ss 120 -126

If you have work preparation obligations, Work and Income may ask you to:

  • plan for your employment
  • attend an interview with Work and Income
  • undertake activities to improve your ‘work readiness’, including to attend:
  • a programme or seminar to increase skills for employment
  • a work experience of work-exploration activity
  • a work-related training
  • a course of study

When deciding what work preparation obligations you have, Work and Income must consider what is reasonable and practical for your specific circumstances.

If you can’t meet the work preparation (for example, if you can’t attend a course, or show that you are planning for employment) you need to be able to show a “good and sufficient” reason why you couldn’t comply.

If you don’t have a good and sufficient reason, your application for a benefit might be declined, or if you are getting a benefit, it might be reduced or stopped (see: “Trouble with Work and Income: Penalties, investigations and overpayments”).


Does it matter if I’m in a relationship?

Social Security Act 2018, s 8

What if I’m married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship?

Work and Income will consider you to be in a relationship if you are married, in a civil union, or in a de facto relationship. This means:

  • your partner’s income and assets will be relevant if you are asset or income tested,
  • the rate of benefit you receive will be less than if you were single, and
  • your partner has to comply with the relevant obligations as if they were applying for a benefit themselves.

Note: If Work and Income claim you’re in a relationship but you disagree with this, you should contact your nearest benefit-rights group (see: “Where to go for more support”) before you talk to Work and Income. Accusations of benefit fraud are serious matters, and can lead to criminal charges being laid against you.

How do I know if my relationship will be considered “de-facto”?

Cases: [1997] 1 NZLR 94 (CA), [2000] NZHC 326/96, [1993] 2 NZLR 369, [1991] NZLR 241 (HC)

If you’re not legally married or in a civil union, Work and Income can still consider you to be a couple if you’re in a relationship that they consider is in the nature of a marriage (“de facto”). The test for this has two parts.

First, is there an “emotional commitment for the foreseeable future”? There’s no clear definition of this term, but the level of commitment needs to be more than just a long-standing friendship. It might involve, for example, joint parenting of children, holidaying together, and sharing social engagements. It isn’t necessary for the couple to be having sex.

If there has been family violence, this may mean that the necessary emotional commitment doesn’t exist and therefore that it’s not a relationship in the nature of marriage. However, this will depend on the particular case.

Second, are you “financially interdependent”? This might involve:

  • making joint financial decisions (for example, both people signing a tenancy agreement or mortgage), or
  • sharing household costs (for example, if one person pays the power bill and the other pays the phone bill), or
  • supporting each other financially during tough times, or
  • daily activities such as sharing household chores and cooking meals for each other.

Note: The law isn’t consistent in what it considers to be a “de facto relationship”. The test explained above applies to benefit law, but there are different tests for if you break up or if your partner dies (see: “Wills”, A death in the family and “Relationships and break-ups” ).

What if I am currently separated or trying to separate from my partner?

If you’re legally married or in a civil union, you’re considered to be part of a couple for benefit purposes unless you are clearly no longer in a relationship.

You don’t need to be legally divorced to show that you’re separated from your partner. You’ll need to show Work and Income that you’re living apart from one another, and that you don’t meet the definition of being in a de-facto relationship.

You don’t necessarily need to be living in separate homes to be considered living apart, but Work and Income will ask you why you continue to live in the same place, and check if it is a temporary or permanent solution.

Note: You don’t necessarily have to be living in the same home to be considered in a de facto relationship. Vice versa, you don’t have to be living in a different place to be considered living apart. Work and Income will consider things like if you are sharing a room and/or bed, your reasons for where you are living, and if it is a temporary or permanent solution.


Will I be drug-tested?

When might I be drug tested?

Social Security Act 2018, ss 6, 147, 149, 151, 250, 261–263, Sched 2 Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, s 2(1) (definition of “controlled drug”)

You and/or your partner might be drug tested if:

  • you have full-time or part-time work obligations, and
  • you are referred by Work and Income to a job that requires you to take a drug test before they employ you.

You can be required to take either an initial test (a “screening” test), or a more accurate test (an “evidential” test), or both. These will test you for anything that is classified as a controlled drug.

Note: If you have been diagnosed with a drug addiction or undergoing certain drug treatments, Work and Income shouldn’t refer you to a job that requires you to take a drug test.

What happens if I fail a drug test?

If you fail a drug test, Work and Income might charge you for the cost of the test. The cost will be taken out of your weekly benefit payment.

You’ll be considered as having failed a drug test if you:

  • fail a drug test, or
  • refuse to have a drug test, or
  • you refuse to apply for a job that requires a drug test.

If you refuse to have a drug test without a good reason, you’ll be treated as if you failed the drug test.

If you fail a screening test, you can dispute the result by asking for the same sample to be tested by a more accurate test (an “evidential” drug test).

Will my benefit be impacted if I fail a drug test?

The first time you fail a drug test, your benefit will be cut by half. You’ll get the full benefit again if you agree to stop using drugs (called “re-complying”). If you haven’t re-complied within four weeks after your benefit was reduced, your benefit will be stopped completely until you agree to stop using drugs.

If you fail a drug test a second time within 12 months, your benefit will be cut completely (or cut by half if you have dependent children). You’ll only be able to get your benefit back by agreeing with Work and Income that you’ll:

  • pass an additional drug test within 25 working days (this allows time for drugs to pass through your system), and
  • give them evidence of the test result within 30 working days.


Can I go overseas temporarily while getting a benefit?

Social Security Act 2018, ss 114, 219 Social Security Regulations 2018, r 139-152

You can continue to get your main benefit for up to 28 days while overseas if you have an approved travel reason. Approved travel reasons include:

  • to attend a significant event related to family member. A significant family event includes things such as a funeral, a wedding, a birth,
  • to be with a family member who is seriously ill or dying.
  • to attend a court case that you are required to attend as a party or witness
  • to attend a job interview
  • to provide aid or assistance to a family member following a natural disaster (for example, flood or earthquake)
  • if you have a disability:
    • to receive vocational training or disability-assistance dog training not available in New Zealand
    • to compete in an overseas multinational sports event (for example the Paralympics)
    • to attend an approved disability forum

Generally, you can continue to get extra help (“supplementary assistance”) for up to 28 days a year while overseas if you continue to qualify for the payment while overseas. For example, you can still get Accommodation Supplement for 28 days if you are still required to pay rent for your home while overseas. You don’t need to have an approved travel reason.

Different rules apply if you are getting New Zealand Superannuation, see: “You’re 65 or older”.

Do I need to tell Work and Income that I am heading overseas?

Social Security Act 2018, ss 114

You need to let Work and Income know before you head overseas, otherwise your benefit will be stopped. The exception is if there is a humanitarian reason for your absence (e.g. to be with a dying family member), in which case you must notify Work and Income as soon as is reasonable considering the circumstances.

You need to tell Work and Income the following:

  • the date you’re leaving New Zealand
  • the date you’re expecting to arrive back in New Zealand
  • the reason for the travel – you may have to provide proof of this.

Did this answer your question?

Dealing with Work and Income

Where to go for more support

Community Law

Your local Community Law Centre can provide you with free initial legal advice.

Find your local Community Law Centre online: www.communitylaw.org.nz/our-law-centres

Ministry of Social Development – Work and Income (WINZ)

See Work and Income’s website for information on whether you qualify for a benefit and how to apply for them.

Website: www.workandincome.govt.nz
Phone:  0800 559 009

Auckland Action Against Poverty (AAAP)

AAAP is a free nationwide advocacy service for people dealing with Work and Income.

Website: www.aaap.org.nz
Email: advocates@aaap.org.nz
Instagram: www.instagram.com/aucklandactionagainstpoverty
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AAAPNZ/

Helpful resources for beneficiaries: www.aaap.org.nz/resources

Beneficiaries Advocacy and Information Services (BAIS)

BAIS provides free advocacy and support for beneficiaries and low-income families in Auckland’s North Shore, Rodney and Hibiscus Coast districts.

Website: www.bais.org.nz
Phone: 09 444 9543
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bais.northshoreandrodney
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BAISnorthshoreandrodey   

Hutt Valley Benefit Education Service Trust (HV BEST)

The HV BEST provides information and support to beneficiaries in the Hutt Valley. 

Website: www.hvbest.co.nz
Email: hvbest@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 04 529 8108

Beneficiaries & Unwaged Workers Trust (BUWT)

BUWT provides information, advice and support to people on low incomes in Nelson.

Website: www.buwt.wordpress.com
Email: info@buwt.org.nz
Phone: 03 548 8171
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/282105670089970/?locale=pt_PT

Beneficiary Advisory Service (BAS)

The BAS provides information and support to beneficiaries in Christchurch.

Website: www.bas.org.nz
Email: bas.cprc@gmail.com
Phone: 0800 00 00 43
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BeneficiaryAdvisoryService

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

CAB provides free, confidential and independent information and advice. See CAB’s website for valuable information on a range of topics.

Website: www.cab.org.nz
Phone: 0800 367 222
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/citizensadvicenz

Find your local CAB office: www.cab.org.nz/find-a-cab

Zero Data

Zero Data is a new digital support that allows anyone with a mobile device, phone or tablet to access essential Government information for free. No data is used.

Website: www.zero.govt.nz

What do I need do I need for it to work?

  •  The device is on.
  •  The device is connected to Spark, Skinny One NZ, 2Degrees, Slingshot or Orcon.

You can access information from the following agencies:

  • Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora | Ministry of Social Development
  • Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education
  • Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs
  • Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand
  • Kāinga Ora | Homes & Communities
  • Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice
  • Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara | Accident Compensation Corporation

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